12 Days of Christmas Part 2

Teacher Blog

6th day of Christmas is 6 geese a laying.  This is where we learn that the egg came first.  It symbolizes the 6 days that God created the world then He rested on the 7th day.  It allows us to realize that God is all-powerful among other things and that in this, He was able to create our lives, world, past and future from absolutely nothing.  


7th day of Christmas is seven swans a swimming.  Beautiful white swans that appear to be perfect in every way has the meaning of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit: teaching, encouraging, prophecy, service, giving, leadership, and compassion (Romans 12).  In Medieval times, pure white swans were symbols of nobility.  Children were often to be told they need these in their lives so they can appear to be a pure follower of Christ


8th day of Christmas is the eight maids of milking.  They symbolized the 8 beatitudes.  One thing to notice about them is that Christ isn’t always talking about religious people, He was telling the religious people they should look at the common folk and the way they live, instead.


9th day of Christmas was nine ladies dancing.  Again we speak about the Holy Spirit.  This is in regard to the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.  These are the attributes we need to live our lives like Christ.


10th day of Christmas was 10 lords a leaping. When we see people leaping, it is usually behind the idea that they are excited and have a wonderful experience.  This verse symbolizes the 10 commandments and being excited to follow the 10 rules set by God.


11th day of Christmas  we find eleven pipers piping.  Luke 6:14-16 tells us about these 11 pipers and how they stayed with Jesus after his death and resurrection and continued to preach about His love and grace until they were each killed.  If you know anything about pipes they are referring to high pitched instruments that almost resemble a piccolo that contains the highest pitch of music.  Played with drums in secession, they make a beautiful melodicas sound that can be heard for many miles around.  


12th day of Christmas are the 12 drummers drumming.  They are playing a stance for the birthday of the King of all, Christ.  It is meant to open up the day after, Epiphany again, where we find the kings that went to Jesus when he was approximately 2 years old.  In some churches this is also a symbol for the 12 points of the Apostle’s Creed.  

Next time you look at this song, don’t just think of it as a silly tune, but make a statement on your heart to follow and to understand to whom you are singing it for.