My Eyes

“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the king…” how I wish, I could see that well and know!  I have learned to use other means to see because my eyes are not always realiable.  We don’t just ‘see’ with our eyes, we also balance.  One reason I am often off-balanced is because I have to learn how to center my body without using my eyes.  In therapy I am often told shut my eyes and rely on my brain.  My eyes see strange lights, they often close, they bob open and shut often.  Before my surgery my site was SO much better and I remember telling one of my doctors not to let my eyes go.  However, they did.  It took them a LONG time to reattach to my brain and even now, after almost 3 years, they still struggle to being fully connected.  Some days I have little to no problems, others, much like today, i just want to go back to sleep.  

God reminds me often that it is not my eyes I need to focus on Him, it is my heart.  However, I am the first to tell you, that is harder than He asks!  I just want to be able to enjoy sight again, I would like to drive again, I would like to not have to figure out what things say without glasses.  Then my mind wanders to my youngest daughter.  When she was a baby she had meningitis and RSV back to back.  The doctors told us that her body may not grow as fast as her peers because both of these sicknesses will stump her growth and may cause issues in the long run.  My youngest daugther is only 5 feet and she is the smallest of everyone.  When she was about 13 we took her to the eye doctors because she was complaining she couldn’t see the board.  Both my husband and I had 20/20 vision so it seemed odd.  When they looked her over they found out that she has severe seeing issues probably related to her sicknesses as a baby.  Then it came, “her eyes will only get worse the older she gets.”  No matter how much we prayed for her, we could not help her.  I remember praying one night and God told me, “I want her to find me with her heart.”  Now, I understand what He was saying.  As a young child she always told us that God was good and great because he created the world so beautiful around her.  Now, she rarely says anything positive about God and she can barely see without her glasses.  I know that one day, she will see God without her eyes.  

I admit it is hard to see God through sound, especially when I hear more cussing and screaming.  It is difficult to hear God in the birds or creatures because I often hear the city cars or buzzing lights.  The only time I am able to understand God is when listening to his scriptures or sitting in a quiet room and praying.  I am often praying that I can hear God with my heart more often and that is my prayer request for you too.

Romans  10:9-10 “…because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and belive in your hearth that God raised him from the dead, you will b saved.  For with the heart, one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. “

2 Timothy 3:16, ‘all scripture is breathed out by God…”



Hallow it Be Your Name

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The Lord’s Prayer is one of my favorite verses in the Bible.  Why do we have it?  What could it possibly mean?

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be your name.  Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ Matthew 6:9-13.

In the King James Version adds “for thine is the kingdom, the glory, the power forever, amen.”

II have one idea as why it is not in the original text.  As much as we still use the King James version to memorize or quote scripture we have to be weary of it.  When it was written it was primarily for King James so that he could understand the Bible.  He couldn’t read the Greek and Hebrew text but he desired to know more.  It was not meant to be a translation for everyone to read or to focus on.  The scholars of the King James version were the ones that added the last part, to make it more of a ‘song’ than just a verse.  Since most people didn’t read Greek or Hebrew (I guess they still don’t), the only version written in English was what was given to the King.  In the last hundred years, we see that more and more translations follow the original texts.  

So what does this prayer mean?  I will break it down.

Hallowed be your name mean?  Simply we need to praise His name because of who He is. 

‘Your Kingdom come.’ Heaven is where we will go after we sleep and the head of heaven is God with Jesus on the right hand. 

‘Give us our daily bread’ It is saying, ‘Lord, provide everything I need.’

‘Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.’  We are often asked throughout scripture to forgive those who go against us (or against God).  I believe for us to grow in Christ we need to forgive those who hurt us, forgive those who say mean things to us, and yes those that even try to kill us.  We are sinners too,  and if we want God to change us, we have to be able to forgive those who are against us so that He can also forgive our sins and transition our minds into something better for Him. 

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one“.  God doesn’t lead us into temptation but He will allow us to go towards it because we have free will.  We need to ask God to teach us how to walk away from it and get tell Satan behind us like he did several times.  A side thought is if Satan has become a parasite and is trying to pull you down, quote scripture to him as Jesus did.  Pray to God to ask for the boldest as He spoke to Satan.  Don’t ever try getting rid of Satan on your own, you NEED the help for Jesus.  

This was my father’s favorite choir: You will have to double-click the link to put it into your feed. 

Be blessed.


When I was a little girl my dad had a beautiful tenor voice.  

I loved sitting in the choir during practice because I loved his voice.  No matter what kind of day I was having his voice always brought me such joy.  As I grew up, my dad would constantly sing to me and my favorite song was, “The Lord’s Prayer”.  Even when I didn’t believe in God, he would call me up to sing it to me anyway.  Even though he didn’t always believe in God, I think he knew that his voice was a gift to help his falling daughter.  I love music; mainly singing,  classical music, and instrumental music.  

At the age of 11 my good friend taught me how to play the ftute.  He would tell me he thought the flute sounded like the birds and bird songs often reminded him of heaven.  A few years later he died of cancer. I practiced that flute every minute I could and I learned how to play all of the woodwind and brass instruments.  In college I could pick up any instrument and play it (other thn the string ones).  As I became older I continued to play classical music.  When I became a Christian I was determined to learn The Lord’s Prayer in hopes to play it while my daddy sang.  By 1997 his voice was gone, he could no longer sing.  The last recording he made was at my eldest brother’s wedding.  I would often play for my dad until I got married, but I never got the chance to play with him.  In 2001 he died and I stopped playing anything.  In 2014 my flute was old it no longer played music so I was given a clarinet.  I blew into it a few times and even played a song or two, but it wasn’t fun anymore.  In 2020 I tried to play it again, but I could no longer get air into it and by 2022 I couldn’t remember the keys.  I called the local high school and gave it to the band department.  

Over the last few years I have thought about that music.  God gave me a gift to enjoy it and to utilize it, but I didn’t see it as a gift, I saw it as something I had in common with my dad.  

It has taught me one major lesson:  Be thankful for everything. 

Ephesians 5: 19b-20 says, ‘Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’

I have decided that even without my musical abilities, I can still sing to the Lord and be thankful for all He has given me.