
God shows me new things each day.  For the last 4 months I have been having these strange spasms beginning on the right side of my brain.  We know that the brain bleed caused several different oddities in my brain: unable to short-term information, mini seizures in my brain, nerve issues in my brain, weakness in my right side, paralysis in my right side, disconnected retinas, dizziness, vertigo, and trigeminal neuralgia.  It has been suggested they are related to the mini seizures, or they are mini strokes.  I have been having a variety of testing to figure out where they are coming from and why.  My whole Chiari has been a questions.  The doctors had assumed my brain issues would have been taken care of with-in year; but they linger and some have gotten worse.  I find myself thinking about why God would continue to want me through these trials.  Then, I am reminded that in His eyes, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Even if the doctors, other people, or I see my handicaps, God still sees me as His creation.  I have learned that despite all the issues I know I have and all the frustrations I feel with them, that God never asked me to run a marathon, sign up for the military, become a movie star, or become a great speaker.  He asks me to come to Him with what I have and He will use me.  

What do you have to bring to God?  Do you have a physical limitation?  Do you have experiences?  Is it just you?  God, will use you no matter what you think you are.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made (even with all the negative things we feel and see).  

I like the New Living Translation best!    Psalms 134:14  ‘Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it!’