3 Little Pigs

Teacher’s Heart

One thing that I loved in all the age groups I taught was teaching about the 3 Little Pigs.  As  teacher in public school I wasn’t allowed to teach about God and Christianity as a rule.  However, I got to teach about the 3 Little Pigs and I have to admit, the story may or may not have had a good Biblical moral attached to it.

The little pigs leave their momma and go into the world.  They must learn how to live without her help.  While I am teaching the story in my terms I have the students decide what house would be the best to build.  When they have built their house I take a small fan and see if I can blow it down.  I explain that the fan or the wolf is things they might go through in life and it’s not always about the battle that we face but the outcome that matters.

The first little pig is lazy.  He decides instead of taking too much time building a house and making a ‘good’ life it was just easier to party and hang with his friends.  He goes out and finds straw or dead grass (the students use mini straws) and puts it together with scotch tape to build a house, but he doesn’t bother laying down a foundation.  The wolf comes and blows the house down.  The pig isn’t too worried, he continues to be lazy and decides to go to his brother’s house in the morning.  The second little pig is a little bit better and takes duct tape and sticks to put together a house.  He knows that duct tape holds it all together, or so he hopes.  The little pig decides to go watch movies with his friends and drink some beers to celebrate their friendship.  Again, he has no foundation.  His brother joins him while at a party.  The wolf comes and blows down his house.  The 2nd little pig isn’t too worried, he decides that his brother and him can go get some duct tape in the morning and patch it all back up.  The 3rd little pig is smart!  He loves to build things and lays down a foundation on some rock, levels it out then lays down bricks and mortar (the kids use Legos) to build a cute little house for him.  After several days he is finished and he makes himself furniture and a place to cook his food in the fireplace.  The wolf comes and he tries with all his might to blow down that house, but nothing works.  The 3rd little pig knows that his foundation is strong and he is thankful and rests in the idea that tomorrow, he will continue to be safe.

The 3rd little pig listened to what his momma told him and he lived happily ever after.

Luke 6: 48, 49