A Lone Goose

In September 2020 while the world was cursing Covid, I was thanking God for allowing me to be home, with my family, because we needed to be together.  Much like most people, we were trying to find activities to do that didn’t get in the way of people.  While I was walking early one morning my right leg went stiff.   I was worried that my Chiari had begun to show it’s ugly head and it frightened me.  I knew that God promised me He would heal me in 1998 and since that time I had outdone everything the doctors thought I could do, including live.  In 1998 it was just my fiance’, friends and I.  Now, I had two daughters and a better relationship with parts of my family.  I didn’t want to go through all that again, not for their sakes.  I reached out to my church and they set me up with a Stephen Minister (I recommend them).  I will refer to her as SM.  SM not only prayed with me, she gave me valuable information and encouragement that I used often.  Even now, even though we don’t meet, I welcome her advice, prayers and friendship.  I told her about my leg going numb and how I was fearful mainly for how my children would be able to handle it.  My friends and SM prayed for my family as we once again were going through something strange.  I went to a doctor who did several MRIs, CAT SCANS and other tests on me.  They discovered that while it wasn’t Chiari that was causing the problem, the problem was originally caused because of the Chiari.  I make mention in a VLOG that I received surgery in October 1998 to remove part of my skull and have a titanium plate placed.  I was informed that I would need either the plate removed or a new plate by 2020.  I ignored the doctors (probably not the smartest thing to do).  Now, it was November by the time they had found out what was going on.  The Dr. told my husband and I that I was experiencing issues because my brain felt trapped.  It was trying to find a way out and the only way it could was to push itself between my titanium plate and my spinal column.  He told us that my C5 had appeared in the last few scans where it hadn’t been in any other scans prior to that.   Now, the new problem had created another synrix on my spine that was causing the heaviness and paralysis in my right leg.  He told us that it was not an emergency to have surgery now, but he suggested I get it sooner than later because of my age.  I went to my SM and told her that we had set up for surgery on June 28, 2021, so that I could be with my classroom children till the end of the school year.  I was so sad because I knew it was the right thing to do, but I didn’t hear from God the same way.  That night as I was falling asleep God spoke to me.  He said, “Everything will be ok, you will get back on top of your mountain, trust me.”  In the morning I told Chad, I remember he told me that he already knew that God would take care of everything and this was the way to go.  I can honestly tell you it takes a lot out of me to trust God for something so big.  I had to encourage myself every day that God knew what He was doing.  When we asked people pray I would tell them that God said He would help me back on top of my mountain and to trust in Him.  The doctor said he would go in, remove the titanium plate, and a part of my C5, C5 vertebrae.  Then it would be two days in the recovery and I would go home and go back to work a few weeks later.