Becoming a New Creation

I speak with God like I speak with a friend.  I do not believe we are to talk to God like we would a royal patron or someone as such.  God wants to be our friend, not our boss, not our slave owner.  When you pray speak to Him as your friend, someone you in-trust your inner thoughts too.  

I have found that once I became a Christian my life was different, but He didn’t demand anything from me, but that I love Him and trusted Him with my life.  I find that so many people think once they become Christians that meas they must give up things they love, things they enjoy and even people.  God will work with you if that is what He convicts you to do away with.  Some friends have moved away from Disney because they felt that God convicted them, but He has not asked this of me.  God has convicted me of drinking often.  However; I was an addict, it was hurting me and He wanted me to live free from it.  I do not condemn drinking and yes, I do have a drink once in a while.  Some people told me several different things now that I was a Christian, but, I learned that life would be boring if I listened to everyone and I only give things up if God tells me to, not everyone else.  They aren’t the ones that constitutes the way I live my life, God is and at this point, He is the only one that matters for me.