
I remember many years ago, I would get frustrated and I would kick things.  A teacher in college taught me Tai Chi to learn how to find my inner self and focus on balancing my emotions, rather than breaking a toe, or my foot.  I used it up until my children were small.  One day, I decided I didn’t have time to be frustrated at everything.  I’m not sure where that person went, frustrations are all around me!  I’ve been told it is because of my red-hair, my ADHD, my Scottish ancestry-line and the list goes on.  Personally, I’m just a stubborn person who likes things done in the here and now and done the right way.  If you get into a car with me, I might have a little car frustration  because of other crazy drivers.  Over the years I have had to take a step back, I’ve had to take a deep breath.  In class, my kids all know my frustrations, usually the Smart board, the printer or my computer.  As funny as it is to listen to my kids imitate me yelling at my  electronics, I know that being frustrated is not only a human emotion. 

Even though God doesn’t yell at a computer, he does let someone get eaten by a monster fish.  Even though he might not cut someone off on the road, he has used a donkey to tell his master he is going to wrong way.  It goes to show that frustrations happen.  However; there is a difference between being stupid and frustrated and being smart and frustrated.  God was frustrated with Jonah and being God, he let Jonah get swallowed by a large monster.  At the same time I’m sure he directed the monster fish to spit Jonah out, rather than swallowing him forever.  Even though he might not cut off that crazy driver, he instructed a donkey (a lowly animal) to tell his master that he wasn’t going to move past the angel.  It may not have been a humorous outcome at the time, but it is now! 

In my frustrations I need to remind myself that I do not understand how it works, it may work fine, I wouldn’t know.  I may not understand why I don’t work right anymore, but, God is still in control and God can help me understand, if I take a deep breath and ask for His help instead of yelling a the Smartboard or that crazy driver!  Do you ever find yourself frustrated?