I get the feeling that my computer is just tired of me being on it and screaming at it. I am so glad that I’m not the one that created it. For one, even though there was a time that I was able to understand how to operate it, by no means would I understand how to create it! I am so happy that God gave us different rolls to play here on Earth. As I know a few Computer Technicians that are super savvy with computers, they usually don’t make much sense to me! It is the same with doctors and anyone from the medical field. I understand stuff that I have to understand, but beyond that, I’m glad to be a teacher! Even some of the things as a teacher is a little confusing for me, especially now. One thing I knew for certain, My God Can sustain us! These last few weeks has been harder than usual physically. I’m trying to continue being that super-star that can do everything even though I’m missing parts of my brain, missing strength in my legs, missing eyesight and most of my physical self is so different, but I can do it right? Wrong! I’m exhausted often, my eyes shut more than usual and I just want to sit and rest more than usual. My physical super-human self is losing it’s super. My doctor has been telling me for some time that I am just killing myself, but it wasn’t until the other day that I agreed that I was killing myself to keep going. Now, I get to venture down the road to Social Security. I have to remind myself over and over, ‘Christ will sustain us’. He has always come through and He is aware that I may continue to try and be super-human, but in the end it will be Him. Scripture reminds me that He was, is, and ever will be even through all the super-humans that have been born, lived and died. God will sustain!