
Lone Goose

What is healing to you?  Do you believe that to be healed every body part works right, no one dies, it’s all good?  In 1998 I was told that I had 3 months to live.  I went through all the steps to get myself ready to ‘die’.  Even though I fully believed that God had orchestrated everything at the time and all that I was going through was of Him.  I still felt that God could heal me by taking me home or He would heal me in His way on earth.  Later, I learned that His plan wasn’t for me, it was for someone else to find Him and realize that He existed.  

It would have been just fine for God to come down and heal my brother from his injuries, and we would have been happy about that too.  However, it wasn’t that God didn’t heal him, He just didn’t do it the way we had hoped.  The victory was already won, Brian was healed the moment his Earthly body died.  I believe that God could have healed him on earth, but it was time for Brian to go home.  In recent weeks he spoke to me about getting to ‘dwell in the house of the Lord forever’ and ‘run in the green grass’.  He was ready, he knew where he was going.  Satan may have thought he had won, but Brian went to see His Jesus and he was healed.  Did someone die that you thought should have been healed?  If they were saved, they were healed.  I have learned to believe that my daughter was healed and she resides in heaven with so many people that have gone before me.  They have all been healed by the power of Jesus.  Do I wish they were here?  Oh yes!  

People ask me why I believe.  I believe because God has already healed me!  He has healed my mind, He has healed my spirit and yes, He has healed my body.   There are quite a few things I can no longer do, but there is plenty that because of Jesus I can do!  I get to see things from perspectives that most people don’t.  I get to learn things because of my disabilities and I learn them in ways I would have never understood before.  Is it annoying…sometimes, oh yes!  Do  I complain?  Yes, probably more then I should.  When I get to Heaven I know that God will have healed me fully, for now, my healing is from the Lord and I praise Him for it!