- I often times find myself wishing that God would give me a break or a vacation instead of believing that I can handle the next storm that comes at me. I can’t help to wonder if He doesn’t see me more as a fig tree, rather than a me.
What do you know about fig trees? Fig trees are the strongest trees in the world. Did you know that there are fig trees in Africa that have been there for thousands of years? That tree that Jonah mentioned in the Bible, is still there (not the one he cursed). Job even talks about a fig tree and how the fruit was there to quench his thirst. The crazy thing about fig trees is that the weather in parts of Africa and the Middle East (where these trees are found) can go from one extreme to the next. Add to it that they even have earthquakes, sandstorms, land fires and so much more, and yet, the trees still stand. No matter what; the trees still grow, still produce green leaves and fruit. Extreme hot, extreme cold, earthquakes, sandstorms, storms, and drought can not take it over or tear it down. Even people have to have special tools before they can tear it down because it is not only the oldest trees but their root systems are so well rooted, it is almost impossible to uproot and destroy. In fact, there is only ONE verse I the Bible that says anyone was successful in killing and withering up a fig tree and that was God . No wonder, the word strength is what you find when you search up fig trees. No wonder, they are still around after thousands of years. No wonder, the fig trees that are mentioned in the Bible are still around today. Maybe I am ok with God seeing me as a fig tree, maybe I’m a specialty fig tree. What about you? Leave a comment and tell me what kind of tree you would like to be thought of and why.
The verse I see that goes along with this is:
Galatians 5:22 MSG
But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard-