Just a Hug

As much as I feel like I’m on this planet to only teach, I have learned to listen to the children in my classroom.  They are 7, 8 , and 9.  Recently, I haven’t been feeling that great.  Many nights I’m waking up at 2:30am with some strange allergic reaction; swelling and hives.  A few nights I have thought that maybe it has to do with a drug interaction so I don’t take my meds and it causes trouble through the day.  It is just an odd symptom of everything else I deal with daily.  One such day I was really feeling bad.  Honestly, I just wanted my husband and I to hug a little longer, instead of going to work.  At work one of my children walked over to me and said, “Mrs. Piver, you know you are awesome, right?  You tell me I am awesome all the time and today, you need to know it too.”  With that she tightly hugged me.  I didn’t want to let go, it was just a hug, but it was greatly needed!  

Life is too short, to let things like this just past you by.  When it is offered, take it!  Even if it is from a little girl in your classroom.  I am happy that she felt the need to remind me (her teacher) that I am awesome and I really needed that hug!