Life, happens!


Life happens the way it happens and sometimes we just don’t know why.  This week was a tough week, I’m happy it is over! 

I understand the hardships of not having enough money, of being stuck in a job that eats at the psyche every day.  I get the stares, the attitudes of people that just don’t want to give me the time of day, because I am different.  It bites! 

This week, God reminded me that it is not about how I look on the outside; it is not about my handicaps, or how I look.  It is about Him and how He loves me NO MATTER WHAT MY OUTSIDE LOOKS LIKE! 

It is hard to understand.  Life happens, and we get sad, we walk out, we stop trying, or, we simply give up altogether.  You’ve been there, I have too.  It is a rough place to be.  Then I hear, ‘but God’!  He is the lifter of our heads, He is the strength when we have no more, He is the one pushing the wheelchair or walker when we are tired, He is there providing for us and helping us get to the next day.  

All throughout scripture we are told that God is there for us, that God isn’t going to leave us, that God will hold us when we need Him, that God looks at our hearts, not at our appearances.  

Today,  whatever you are going through I say this to you, “Life happens, but God!”