
When I was a little girl my dad had a beautiful tenor voice.  

I loved sitting in the choir during practice because I loved his voice.  No matter what kind of day I was having his voice always brought me such joy.  As I grew up, my dad would constantly sing to me and my favorite song was, “The Lord’s Prayer”.  Even when I didn’t believe in God, he would call me up to sing it to me anyway.  Even though he didn’t always believe in God, I think he knew that his voice was a gift to help his falling daughter.  I love music; mainly singing,  classical music, and instrumental music.  

At the age of 11 my good friend taught me how to play the ftute.  He would tell me he thought the flute sounded like the birds and bird songs often reminded him of heaven.  A few years later he died of cancer. I practiced that flute every minute I could and I learned how to play all of the woodwind and brass instruments.  In college I could pick up any instrument and play it (other thn the string ones).  As I became older I continued to play classical music.  When I became a Christian I was determined to learn The Lord’s Prayer in hopes to play it while my daddy sang.  By 1997 his voice was gone, he could no longer sing.  The last recording he made was at my eldest brother’s wedding.  I would often play for my dad until I got married, but I never got the chance to play with him.  In 2001 he died and I stopped playing anything.  In 2014 my flute was old it no longer played music so I was given a clarinet.  I blew into it a few times and even played a song or two, but it wasn’t fun anymore.  In 2020 I tried to play it again, but I could no longer get air into it and by 2022 I couldn’t remember the keys.  I called the local high school and gave it to the band department.  

Over the last few years I have thought about that music.  God gave me a gift to enjoy it and to utilize it, but I didn’t see it as a gift, I saw it as something I had in common with my dad.  

It has taught me one major lesson:  Be thankful for everything. 

Ephesians 5: 19b-20 says, ‘Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’

I have decided that even without my musical abilities, I can still sing to the Lord and be thankful for all He has given me.