Roller Coaster

Teaching Moments, blog

I get to teach my children about roller coasters and how they are built and what goes into them.  I love science, I love watching, learning and teaching about science, because it doesn’t fit inside of a box, it literally runs all over the place if you don’t watch out!

Life is much like a roller coaster.  It was my dream to build a coaster called, “The Wave”.  I wanted to make it large enough for people to stand on what looked like a surf board and go high up then straight down in a matter of micro-seconds only to blow past a thing of water and into a dark tunnel.  Then I wanted pictures illuminating off the walls that would be steps of life, as the coaster continued to slide to the right, left, up and down.  At the end would be a large ‘wave’ where the riders would veer off to the right, the left then ride one more huge wave before slowing down and getting to the end.  It would be awesome! Unfortunately, God didn’t give me the ability to create one, but I still dream about it!  Even though they scared me, I loved riding them.  Even when I wasn’t supposed to, I had fun.  Then, one day, I went to ride a super big one and I couldn’t get my head to lift up while we were going around the circle and going upside down.  That was 6 years ago and I have not been on another one since.  I wish I could!  Such is life.

I realize, as I’m reading through my lessons to my children that I go through a roller coaster every day.  Each day I wake up gravity keeps me down on earth.  My head spins every day and with one leg I’m often feeling my roller coaster legs.  It is not always a bad thing, sometimes I try and imagine I’m on a coaster!  Imagine it!  You are the builder of your own coaster.  You are in charge of what kind of energy you are going to have today, to get yourself, your vehicle (or whatever you use) to get from point A to point B.  There are going to be many ups and downs in your day to day lives and some days you may have some really steep hills and some fast straight down drops.  Instead of thinking how terrible it is, think instead that you are on the Roller Coaster of Life.  How will it end for you?  Will you just keep going down, or will you try and get back up, level off a bit, enjoy the waves.  It isn’t easy, but, making roller coasters aren’t either.  Some people may not be able to complete the ride, but remember, with God, all things are possible even the Roller Coaster of Life.